spawnSoldier 4

Spawn an AI soldier

Return value

Return TypeDescription
SoldierReference to the spawned soldier


1vec3World position where the soldier should spawn
2stringID of the faction that the soldier belong to
3integerRank value: 0 = private, 1 = pre-corporal, 2 = corporal, 3 = pre-sergeant, 4 = sergeant, 5 = staff sergeant, 6 = technical-sergeant, 7 = first-sergeant, 8 = leutenant, 9 = captain, 10 = major, 11 = general
4stringId to the vanilla or custom loadout to give to the soldier. Will have a placeholder loadout if empty. Notice: List of possible loadouts will be given soon


-- spawn a German soldier with leutenant rank at position 0,0,0
spawnSoldier(vec3(0,0,0), "Germany_axis", 8, "ger_infantry_tankcrew_leader")
-- spawn a British soldier at position 10,0,10
local sold = spawnSoldier(vec3(10,0,10), "England_allies", 0, "eng_infantry_gunner")

-- now you can do some stuff with 'sold' variable
-- ...

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