Squad.moveTo 2

Orders the squad to hold an area at the specified position with the given radius.

Return value

Return TypeDescription
voidThis function doesn't return anything


1vec3The center position of the area to hold.
2floatThe radius of the area to hold.


squad.moveTo(vec3(30, 0, 25), 5.0);
--- acquire myself can be done instantly as soon as a soldier is spawned
local soldier = myself()

--- immediatly disable AI giving orders so i can fully control this unit without squad leader AI overriding my orders

--- wait for the whole squad to be fully spawned
local condition2 = function() return (soldier.isSquadReady() == true) end
local squad = soldier.getSquad();

--- make sure the soldier giving the order is the leader; Not fully mandatory, but I don't want to call this line of code for each soldier, just the leader should give an order
if soldier.isSquadLeader() then
    squad.moveTo(vec3(30, 0, 25) ,5)
    log("Order given!")

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